Bourget, an unincorporated village in Eastern Ontario, Canada, is nestled near the Cobbs Lake Creek, within the city of Clarence-Rockland in the United Counties of Prescott and Russell. This charming village, named after Ignace Bourget, the one-time Roman Catholic Bishop of Montreal, is steeped in history and natural beauty.
In the 1920s, Bourget was known as the "Bourget Desert," a barren sandy area left by the logging of the white pine forests. However, the landscape underwent a significant transformation when millions of trees were planted, turning it into what is now known as the Larose Forest. This reforestation initiative was led by Ferdinand Larose, an agronomist who saw the potential of the otherwise non-arable land.
Every spring, the east of Bourget becomes a temporary home for tens of thousands of migrating Greater Snow Geese. The Cobbs Lake Creek floods into the neighbouring fields, also attracting smaller numbers of migrants such as Northern Pintail ducks and Canada geese. This spectacle makes Bourget a must-visit destination for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts.
Bourget is conveniently connected by two major roads. The Russell Road (County Road 2) is a popular route for commuters heading into Ottawa from the Eastern Ontario region. Champlain Street (County Road 8) connects Rockland (north) to Casselman (south). After the 417 overpass southward of the County Road 8, it becomes the Provincial Highway 138, leading to Cornwall, Ontario. The Prescott and Russell Recreational Trail, a former Canadian Pacific railway right-of-way, also passes through the village, adding to its charm.
Bourget is a growing community. The northern part of town is witnessing the development of many housing projects. The heart of Bourget is also experiencing a surge in the small business sector with the opening of a new strip mall. As per the 2006 Census, the city of Clarence-Rockland, which includes Bourget, had a population of 20,790 people.
Bourget, Ontario, with its rich history, natural beauty, and growing community, is a place worth discovering. Whether you're a history buff, a nature lover, or someone looking for a peaceful community to call home, Bourget has something for everyone.