At Come Explore Canada, we set ourselves apart from other advertising platforms. While some focus on limited regional coverage, our website offers comprehensive information from all provinces and territories. With multiple tourism categories, we provide an ideal platform for users to explore diverse destinations, ensuring your business reaches a wide audience.
Promote Your Business with a Full-Page Website Advertisement:
Only $150 per year (tax included)
Let us craft your full-page ad! Simply complete the form, and we'll create a mock-up using the information and images from your website. Once revised, improved, approved, and paid for, your ad will be live on our site. (Alternatively, you can email the information and images.)
What's Included in the Full-Page Ad?
Only one link to your website is included in the full-page ad.
(Add additional categories for $10 each)
No Website? No Problem!
Create a cost-effective ad and use it as your online presence. We can incorporate links to your social media accounts and an email form for easy user contact.