St. Georges, a quaint community nestled on the Winnipeg River in Manitoba, boasts a rich history that dates back to the late 19th century. The community, which is situated in the Rural Municipality of Alexander, is also the location of the municipality's administrative offices.
The inception of St. Georges began in 1882 when Father Joachim Allard departed from the Fort Alexander Indian reserve to establish a residence on the Winnipeg River. In an effort to create a French-Canadian parish in the heart of Manitoba, Father Allard extended an invitation to the residents of Chateauguay, Quebec to join him.
The first chapel in St. Georges was constructed in 1903, marking the birth of the Saint-Georges de Chateauguay parish. The community continued to grow and in 1909, the first church was built in what is now known as St. Georges.
In 2003, a monument was erected in St. Georges to commemorate the hundredth anniversary of the founding of the parish. This monument stands as a testament to the enduring spirit and rich history of this small Manitoba community.
St. Georges is conveniently accessed by Manitoba Highway 11, which forms part of the La Vérendrye Trail. This accessibility makes it an easy destination for those interested in exploring the history and charm of this unique community.
In conclusion, St. Georges, Manitoba is a community steeped in history and culture. From its founding in 1882 to the establishment of its parish and beyond, St. Georges offers a glimpse into the past while providing a welcoming community in the present.